Mastering Prioritization: How to Put First Things First


In the fast-paced world of business, mastering prioritization is essential for success. Here's how you can put things first and ensure you focus on what truly matters. Here are key strategies taken by Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People".

Understand what is Important Vs. What's Urgent

Putting first things first is distinguishing between what's important and what's urgent.

  • Urgent tasks demand immediate attention and are often reactive.

  • Important tasks contribute to your long-term goals and values but might not need immediate action.

To prioritize effectively, focus on important tasks that drive your goals forward rather than getting bogged down by urgent but less critical activities.

Identify Your Key Priorities

Start by identifying your key priorities. Ask yourself:

  • What are the top goals for my business?

  • Which tasks directly contribute to achieving these goals?

List these priorities and refer to them regularly. This clarity helps you stay focused on what’s most important.

Use the Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, is a powerful tool for prioritization. It divides tasks into four categories:

  • Important and Urgent: Do these tasks immediately.

  • Important but Not Urgent: Schedule these tasks for later.

  • Urgent but Not Important: Delegate these tasks if possible.

  • Not Urgent and Not Important: Eliminate these tasks.

You can make informed decisions about where to allocate your time and energy by categorizing your tasks.

Plan Your Week in Advance

Planning your week in advance is a practical way to ensure you focus on important tasks. Set aside time each week to review your goals and schedule your most important activities first. This proactive approach helps you stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked by less critical tasks.

Assert Your Boundaries

Asserting your boundaries is a crucial skill for maintaining focus on your priorities. When you’re clear about your goals and what’s most important, it becomes easier to decline requests that don’t align with your objectives. Remember, every time you say yes to something unimportant, you’re saying no to something that truly matters.

Effective Delegation of Tasks

Delegation is key to managing your workload and to ensure that you spend your time on high-priority tasks. Identify tasks that can be delegated to others and trust your team to handle them. This frees up your time for activities that require your unique skills and attention.

Review and Reflect Regularly

Regularly reviewing and reflecting on your priorities and progress is essential. Set aside time to assess what’s working and what’s not. Adjust your plans and priorities as needed to stay aligned with your long-term goals. This continuous improvement mindset ensures that you’re always moving forward.

Stay Focused on Your Vision

Keeping your vision and long-term goals in mind helps you stay focused on what’s truly important. Remind yourself regularly of why you’re doing and what you're doing. This motivation maintains discipline and makes choices that support your vision.


This article is part of our Business Coaching blog series. At Dataczar we talk to a lot of small businesses. We’ve found a few books that we keep recommending time and again. To better help our customers, we’ve added a Reading List for Small Businesses to our website. We encourage every small business owner to read and keep these timeless business books on their office shelf.
